31 July 2024

Three-year overview of growth in EV charging infrastructure in India

During the past three years, India has witnessed remarkable growth in its electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, marking a significant step towards sustainable transportation.

As the country strives to slash carbon emissions and promote green energy, the expansion of EV charging stations is set to spur this transition.

Three-year overview of growth in EV charging infrastructure in India
EV charging infra in India has grown by 
150 per cent in the last three years.

This is how the EV charging infrastructure in India has evolved in the recent past.

Surge in charging stations

India’s commitment to enhancing its EV infrastructure is evident in the rapid increase in the number of charging stations across the country.

As per recent data, the number of EV charging points has surged by approximately 150 per cent from 2021 to 2024. In 2021, there were around 1,500 public charging stations.

By mid-2024, this number has grown to nearly 3,800, highlighting a robust expansion in just three years. But still, this may seem inadequate.

Government initiatives and policies

The Indian government has played a pivotal role in accelerating the development of EV charging infrastructure.

Initiatives such as the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme and the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) have provided more than adequate support.

These policies offer financial incentives, subsidies, and tax benefits to companies investing in EV charging networks. They pave the way for higher private sector participation.

Moreover, the Union power ministry’s revised guidelines in 2021 mandated that all new buildings with parking facilities should include EV charging points.

This policy has further boosted the growth of charging stations in urban areas and residential complexes.

Public and private sector participation

The expansion of EV charging infrastructure has been driven by both public and private sector investments.
Major energy companies, including Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOC), have significantly ramped up their involvement in setting up charging stations.

Moreover, private enterprises and start-ups like Tata Power and Green Fuel have also contributed to the growth with innovative solutions and widespread networks.

In 2023, Tata Power announced plans to increase its charging network to 10,000 stations by 2025, an indication of the ambitious targets set by private players.

Such investments are crucial in bridging the gap between the growing number of EVs and the availability of charging infrastructure.

Urban and rural development

While urban areas have seen a rapid installation of EV charging points, there is also a growing focus on expanding infrastructure to rural regions.

According to industry reports, about 30 per cent of the new charging stations set up in the last three years have been in Tier-II and Tier-III cities.

This expansion is essential to ensure that EV adoption extends to smaller towns and villages.

Technological advancements

Technological advancements have played a significant role in the growth of EV charging infrastructure.

The introduction of fast-charging stations, which can charge an EV up to 80 per cent in just 30 minutes, has addressed the issue of long-charging times.

Additionally, advancements in charging technology and smart grids have improved the efficiency and convenience of using EV charging stations.

E-Vroooom’s views

After the three-year surge in EV charging infrastructure in India, we can expect the growth to be even more rapid in the years to come with the government targeting a whopping 60,000 public charging stations by 2030, paving the way for the country to become a global leader in EV adoption.

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